Flawed Impressions
or not…




Big conversations Small talks

More Money, Less Work
More Time, Less Work
More Freedom, Less Stress
More Acceptance, Less Judgement
More Peace, Less Conflicts

When is this list gonna end?


1. What is a multimedia CD-ROM title?

Multimedia cd rom title is like a menu that appears on the screen when you insert the cd rom be it the computer, dvd player or playstation. It allows users to navigate into the content.

2. What are some application of CD-ROM title design?

Education, Games, Movie, Music (MTV), Installation ,Portfolio,






3. What are the differences between website design and CD-ROM title design?

The diffrence between website design and CD-ROM title design is the SIZE/SPACE. A website design should use as little size as possible so that it will not take too long for the page to load while a CD-ROM title design have space up till 700mb. Like this, the graphics resolution would be much better in a cd rom.

Another major diffrence is the avaliblity. For a website design, it will be avalible anywhere as long as there is connectivity. Everyone aould also access to it . The CD-Rom title design however is only avalible to those that have the CD and of course also have the system to watch/use it.




Reviving my childhood at 18

Playing the slide.

Teletubbie hill
The Teletubbie Hill

Playing the swing.






Orang Asli Mission Trip during Christmas

Road to civilisation

Preparing lunch

Waiting for lunch

Balloon party








  • What is Web Design?
    Web Design is the designing presentation of a content that is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web.
  • What is Web Application?
    Web Application is an application that is accessed via web browser over the internet. Its also a computer software application that is coded in browser-supported language and is reliant on a common web browser to render the application executable.
  • What is the diffrence between Web Design and Web Application?
    Web Design is the design and arrangement of contents to put up on the web site whereas a web application usually includes a website component but features additional advanced functionality to replace or enhance existing business processes. The objective behind a web application is to simulate the intuitive, immediate interaction a user experiences with a desktop application.

Analysing : http://www.thisfashion.com.sg/

How do you find this site? (in 3 words)

      Boring. Dull. Unattractive.

Who do you think the site is created for?

    For members and others interested in shopping at THIS FASHION and they are generally females.

What are the good attributes of the site (in terms of usability, aesthetic issues,etc)?

   Its easy to navigate around the site as the navigation bar is really straight forward and easily spotted by users.
   Informations are categorized quite neatly, letting users find what they want to know fast.
   Time taken to load the page is really fast.

What are the bad attributes of the site?

   The entire website is unappealing. The homepage itself might already cause users to lose interest to continue reading.
   The website does not represent This Fashion. When i first saw the website, i wasn’t totally sure that its is the right website.

   The colours and design of the website are not properly plan. 

  • This Fashion is known for their Black, Red and White logo but they did not use the colours. Instead they use a pale yellow background and grey wordings. Which is not a good colour combination and its unappealing.
  • They also used too many diffrent colours for the fonts; grey, pink, green, black, orange. The colours don’t even suit each other.
  • The overall of the website does not shows that it is a fashion website because of the design and the colour combinations.
  • Colour blind people might have difficulty reading the words in the site.
  • There is no pictures to attract users.
  • The ‘Outlets’ category is much too wordy.

  Navigations are also not planned well.

  • The ‘Contact us’ tab is only available at the ‘Home’ and ‘Outlets’ tabs.
  • Also, the ‘Contact us’ have the same information as ‘Feedbacks’ under ‘Services’.

  The title of the page wasn’t named well.
  They tried to put design into their telephone numbers in ‘Outlets’ which obviously failed.

  Overall, they kind of forgot the purpose and the target audiences of their website which is WOMAN that are interested in FASHION.

 Bad Page Title

Bad Wordings




IMM card sorting (1)

IMM card sorting2

Group members includes: Veronica
and Jing Wen



Just for fun 😀




Compare the 2 information flowchart. What are the differences?
The first flowchart one have to go deeper to get the content.  While the second  flowchart, only the detailed stuffs are deeper into the chart. In the Second flowchart, there is also a sequence to follow to get the details.

What is the difference in reading a book with music? Is it a good experience?
The music creates the mood for the story which normal storybook does not really have. The difference is that reading book with music lets user use their creativity to imagine what they want and ‘create’ their own story. However, different people might interpret the story differently. To me, actually reading a book with music is not a really good experience because sometimes, i don’t really get the picture with the music. And also I’m a little impatient and cant wait to quickly get to the next page. But since this is a children storybook i guess its a good experience for them as they are not illiterate yet so they can use their imagination to get the story.